Friday, May 24, 2013

Binary search tree C++

Binary Search Tree as known as BST is a tree data structure which stores data in a sorted way. Average search time of a Binary Search Tree is log(n) where n is the number of tree nodes. See following explanation for more details. It's collected from
  • A prominent data structure used in many systems programming applications for representing and managing dynamic sets.
  • Average case complexity of Search, Insert, and Delete Operations is O(log n), where n is the number of nodes in the tree.
  • DEF: A binary tree in which the nodes are labeled with elements of an ordered dynamic set and the following BST property is satisfied: all elements stored in the left subtree of any node x are less than the element stored at x and all elements stored in the right subtree of x are greater than the element at x.
  • An Example: Figure 4.14 shows a binary search tree. Notice that this tree is obtained by inserting the values 13, 3, 4, 12, 14, 10, 5, 1, 8, 2, 7, 9, 11, 6, 18 in that order, starting from an empty tree.
  • Note that inorder traversal of a binary search tree always gives a sorted sequence of the values. This is a direct consequence of the BST property. This provides a way of sorting a given sequence of keys: first, create a BST with these keys and then do an inorder traversal of the BST so created.
  • Note that the highest valued element in a BST can be found by traversing from the root in the right direction all along until a node with no right link is found (we can call that the rightmost element in the BST).
  • The lowest valued element in a BST can be found by traversing from the root in the left direction all along until a node with no left link is found (we can call that the leftmost element in the BST).
  • Search is straightforward in a BST. Start with the root and keep moving left or right using the BST property. If the key we are seeking is present, this search procedure will lead us to the key. If the key is not present, we end up in a null link.
  • Insertion in a BST is also a straightforward operation. If we need to insert an element x, we first search for x. If x is present, there is nothing to do. If x is not present, then our search procedure ends in a null link. It is at this position of this null link that x will be included.
  • If we repeatedly insert a sorted sequence of values to form a BST, we obtain a completely skewed BST. The height of such a tree is n - 1 if the tree has n nodes. Thus, the worst case complexity of searching or inserting an element into a BST having n nodes is O(n).

Figure 4.14: An example of a binary search tree
Deletion in BST Let x be a value to be deleted from the BST and let X denote the node containing the value x. Deletion of an element in a BST again uses the BST property in a critical way. When we delete the node X containing x, it would create a "void" that should be filled by a suitable existing node of the BST. There are two possible candidate nodes that can fill this void, in a way that the BST property is not violated: (1). Node containing highest valued element among all descendants of left child of X. (2). Node containing the lowest valued element among all the descendants of the right child of X. In case (1), the selected node will necessarily have a null right link which can be conveniently used in patching up the tree. In case (2), the selected node will necessarily have a null left link which can be used in patching up the tree. Figure 4.15 illustrates several scenarios for deletion in BSTs.

Figure 4.15: Deletion in binary search trees: An example

Binary Search Tree Example Code in C++

002using namespace std;
003class node{
004    public :
005        int key;
006        node *left;
007        node *right;
008        node(){
009            key=0;
010            left=NULL;
011            right=NULL;
012        }
013        node(int n){
014            key=n;
015            left=NULL;
016            right=NULL;
017        }
019class tree{
020    public:
021        node *root;
022        node *current,*parent;
023        int subnodeNum;
024        int AllNodeNum;
025        tree(){
026            root=parent=current=NULL;
027            AllNodeNum=0;
028        };
029        void insert(node *target){
030            current=parent=root;
031            if(root==NULL){
032                root=target;
033                return;
034            }
035            else{
036                if(!search(target->key)){
037                    if(target->key<parent->key) parent->left=target;
038                    else parent->right=target;
039                }
040                else cout<<target->key<<" Already Exist"<<endl;
041            }          
042            AllNodeNum++;                                                                                        
043            return;
044        };
045        node *search(int inputKey){
046            parent=current=root;
047            while(current){
048                if(inputKey==current->key) return current;
049                parent=current;
050                if(inputKey<current->key) current=current->left;
051                else current=current->right;
052            }
053            return NULL;
054        };
055        void searchPath(int key){
056            current=parent=root;
057            int *pathAry=new int[AllNodeNum];
058            int i=0;
059            while(current){
060                if(key==current->key){
061                    for(int j=0;j<i;j++) cout<<pathAry[j]<<"->";
062                    cout<<current->key<<endl;
063                    delete []pathAry;
064                    return;
065                }
066                if(key<current->key){
067                    pathAry[i++]=current->key;
068                    parent=current;
069                    current=current->left;
070                }
071                else{
072                    pathAry[i++]=current->key;
073                    parent=current;
074                    current=current->right;
075                }
076            }
077            cout<<"Key don't exist in Tree"<<endl;
078            delete []pathAry;
079            return;
080        };
081        node *del(int key){
082            node *temp;
083            temp=search(key);   //calculate parent too!
084            int nodeEdgeNum=0;
085            if(temp==NULL){
086                cout<<"This key don't exist this BST"<<endl;
087                return NULL;
088            }
089            else if(temp->left==NULL&&temp->right==NULL){
090                //Case : Node don't have child
091                if(temp==parent&&parent==current) root=NULL;
092                //Case : On Root, Has only 1 Node
093                else if(parent->left==temp) parent->left=NULL;
094                else parent->right=NULL;
095            }
096            else if(temp->left!=NULL&&temp->right!=NULL){
097                //Case : Node have 2 children          
098                node *chnode=temp->left;
099                node *chnodeParent=temp;
100                while (chnode->right){
101                        chnodeParent=chnode;
102                        chnode=chnode->right;
103                }
104                int slot=chnode->key;    //change key
105                chnode->key=temp->key;
106                temp->key=slot;
107                if(chnode->left)
108                    if(chnodeParent==temp) chnodeParent->left=chnode->left;
109                    else chnodeParent->right=chnode->left;
110                else{
111                    if(chnodeParent==temp) chnodeParent->left=NULL;
112                    else chnodeParent->right=NULL;
113                }
114                AllNodeNum--;
115                return chnode;
116            }
117            else{   //Case : Node have 1 child
118                if(temp->left){
119                    if(parent==current&&temp==root) root=temp->left;
120                    else if(parent->left==temp) parent->left=temp->left;
121                    else parent->right=temp->left;                       
122                }
123                else{
124                    if(parent==current&&temp==root) root=temp->right;
125                    else if(parent->left==temp) parent->left=temp->right;
126                    else parent->right=temp->right;  
127                }
128            }
129            AllNodeNum--;
130            return temp;
131        };
132        void printTree(){  //using preorder
133            printTree(root);
134            cout<<endl;
135            if(!root) cout<<"Empty Tree"<<endl<<endl;
136        };
137        void printTree(node *point){   
138            if(point){
139                cout<<"Key Value : "<<point->key<<endl<<"Current Node : ";
140                cout<<point<<"  Left Node : "<<point->left;
141                cout<<"  Right Node : "<<point->right<<endl;
142                printTree(point->left);
143                printTree(point->right);
144            }
145        };
147int main(){
148    int select,num;
149    node *delNode;
150    tree *bst=new tree();
151    cout<<"<Binary Search Tree>"<<endl;
152    while(1){
153        cout<<"========================================================"<<endl;
154        cout<<"1. Insert"<<"  2. Delete"<<"  3. Search Path"<<"  4. Print";
155        cout<<"  0. Exit"<<endl;
156        cout<<"========================================================"<<endl;
157        cout<<"Plz Enter Num : ";
158        cin>>select;
159        switch(select){
160            case 1 :{
161                cout<<"Enter What you want to Insert Num : ";
162                cin>>num;
163                node *temp=new node(num);
164                bst->insert(temp);
165                break;
166            }
167            case 2 :
168                cout<<"Enter What you want to Delete Num : ";
169                cin>>num;
170                delNode=bst->del(num);
171                if(delNode!=NULL) delete delNode;
172                break;
173            case 3 :
174                cout<<"Enter What you want to Search Num : ";
175                cin>>num;
176                bst->searchPath(num);
177                break;
178            case 4 :
179                bst->printTree();
180                break;
181            case 0 :
182                cout<<"--------------------------------"<<endl;
183                cout<<"Thanks for using Program GoodBye"<<endl;
184                exit(1);
185                break;
186            default :
187                cout<<"Plz Re-Enter Menu"<<endl;
188                break;
189        }
190    }
191    return 0;