UIButton currentBackgroundImage
The current background image displayed on the button. (read-only)@property(nonatomic, readonly, retain) UIImage *currentBackgroundImage
Discussion of [UIButton currentBackgroundImage]
This value can be nil.
UIButton currentBackgroundImage example.
- (void)awakeFromNib
NSLog(@"TestButton %p - background image %p %@", self, self.currentBackgroundImage, self.currentBackgroundImage);
NSLog(@"TestButton %p - background image %p %@", self, self.currentBackgroundImage, self.currentBackgroundImage);
Example of [UIButton currentBackgroundImage].
UIImage *image = self.myButton.currentBackgroundImage;
UIButton currentBackgroundImage example.
UIButton *clickedButton =(UIButton *)sender;
UIImage *myClickedImage = clickedButton.currentBackGroundImage;
//Jusqu'ici ca marche bien
//C'est ici que je meure
UIButton *clickedButton =(UIButton *)sender;
UIImage *myClickedImage = clickedButton.currentBackGroundImage;
//Jusqu'ici ca marche bien
//C'est ici que je meure
End of UIButton currentBackgroundImage example article.