NSArray sortedArrayWithOptions
- (NSArray *)sortedArrayWithOptions:(NSSortOptions)opts usingComparator:(NSComparator)cmptr
A bit mask that specifies the options for the sort (whether it should be performed concurrently and whether it should be performed stably).
A comparator block.
Return Value of [NSArray sortedArrayWithOptions]
An array that lists the receiving array’s elements in ascending order, as determined by the comparison method specified cmptr.
NSArray sortedArrayWithOptions example.
NSArray* sorted = [unsorted sortedArrayWithOptions:0 usingComparator:^(id v1, id v2) {
float f1 = [v1 floatValue];
float f2 = [v2 floatValue];
if (f1 == f2) return NSOrderedSame;
return (f1 < f2) ? NSOrderedAscending : NSOrderedDescending;
float f1 = [v1 floatValue];
float f2 = [v2 floatValue];
if (f1 == f2) return NSOrderedSame;
return (f1 < f2) ? NSOrderedAscending : NSOrderedDescending;
Example of [NSArray sortedArrayWithOptions].
NSArray *test = @[@"Å", @"A", @"B"];
NSLocale *swedish = [[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"sv"];
NSArray *sortedTest = [test sortedArrayWithOptions:0
usingComparator:^(NSString *v1, NSString *v2) {
return [v1 compare:v2 options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch
range:NSMakeRange(0, [v1 length])
// Output: A, B, Å
NSLocale *swedish = [[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"sv"];
NSArray *sortedTest = [test sortedArrayWithOptions:0
usingComparator:^(NSString *v1, NSString *v2) {
return [v1 compare:v2 options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch
range:NSMakeRange(0, [v1 length])
// Output: A, B, Å
NSArray sortedArrayWithOptions example.
- (NSArray *)subDocumentsOrdered
if (!subDocumentsOrdered)
subDocumentsOrdered = [[[[self subDocument] allObjects] sortedArrayWithOptions:NSSortStable|NSSortConcurrent usingComparator:(NSComparator) ^(SubDocument *stroke1, SubDocument *stroke2)
return [[stroke1 date] compare:[stroke2 date]];
] mutableCopy];
return subDocumentsOrdered;
if (!subDocumentsOrdered)
subDocumentsOrdered = [[[[self subDocument] allObjects] sortedArrayWithOptions:NSSortStable|NSSortConcurrent usingComparator:(NSComparator) ^(SubDocument *stroke1, SubDocument *stroke2)
return [[stroke1 date] compare:[stroke2 date]];
] mutableCopy];
return subDocumentsOrdered;