NSMutableIndexSet removeAllIndexes
- (void)removeAllIndexes
NSMutableIndexSet removeAllIndexes example.
#import "NumberCreator.h"
@implementation NumberCreator
@synthesize levels, numbers;
- (id)init
if ( !(self = [super init] ) )
return nil;
numbers = [NSMutableIndexSet new];
return self;
- (void)create
[numbers removeAllIndexes];
[numbers addIndex:1];
NSMutableIndexSet *nextLevel = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
NSMutableIndexSet *currentLevel = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:1];
for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++ )
[currentLevel enumerateIndexesUsingBlock:^(NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
if ( ! [numbers containsIndex:idx * 2] )
[nextLevel addIndex:idx * 2];
if ( idx % 6 == 4 && ! [numbers containsIndex:(idx - 1) / 3] )
[nextLevel addIndex:(idx - 1) / 3];
[numbers addIndexes:nextLevel];
[currentLevel removeAllIndexes];
[currentLevel addIndexes:nextLevel];
[nextLevel removeAllIndexes];
[numbers enumerateIndexesUsingBlock:^(NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
NSLog(@"%i", idx);
@implementation NumberCreator
@synthesize levels, numbers;
- (id)init
if ( !(self = [super init] ) )
return nil;
numbers = [NSMutableIndexSet new];
return self;
- (void)create
[numbers removeAllIndexes];
[numbers addIndex:1];
NSMutableIndexSet *nextLevel = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
NSMutableIndexSet *currentLevel = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:1];
for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++ )
[currentLevel enumerateIndexesUsingBlock:^(NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
if ( ! [numbers containsIndex:idx * 2] )
[nextLevel addIndex:idx * 2];
if ( idx % 6 == 4 && ! [numbers containsIndex:(idx - 1) / 3] )
[nextLevel addIndex:(idx - 1) / 3];
[numbers addIndexes:nextLevel];
[currentLevel removeAllIndexes];
[currentLevel addIndexes:nextLevel];
[nextLevel removeAllIndexes];
[numbers enumerateIndexesUsingBlock:^(NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
NSLog(@"%i", idx);
Example of [NSMutableIndexSet removeAllIndexes].
//Not tested
//Assume that selectedIndexes is a NSMutableIndexSet
if ([selectedIndexes containsIndex:indexPath.row]) {
if (self.options.count) {//This could probably be optimised depend on your goal
[selectedIndexes addIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0,self.options.count-1)];
} else {
[selectedIndexes removeAllIndexes];
//Assume that selectedIndexes is a NSMutableIndexSet
if ([selectedIndexes containsIndex:indexPath.row]) {
if (self.options.count) {//This could probably be optimised depend on your goal
[selectedIndexes addIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0,self.options.count-1)];
} else {
[selectedIndexes removeAllIndexes];
NSMutableIndexSet removeAllIndexes example.
- (void)createFilteredTableGroups{
//Checking for the usual suspects. all which may through an exception
if([tableGroups count]==0)
//lets make a new array to work with
NSMutableArray *newTableGroups = [[allTableGroups mutableCopy] autorelease];
//telling the table what we are about to do
[self.tableView beginUpdates];
//array to track cells for deletion animation
NSMutableArray *indexesToRemove = [NSMutableArray array];
//loop through each section
for(NSMutableArray *eachSection in tableGroups){
//keeping track of the indexes to delete for each section
NSMutableIndexSet *indexesForSection = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
[indexesForSection removeAllIndexes];
//increment though cell indexes
int rowIndex = 0;
//loop through each cellController in the section
for(ScheduleCellController *eachCellController in eachSection){
//Ah ha! A little magic. the cell controller must know if it should be displayed.
//This you must calculate in your business logic
if(![eachCellController shouldDisplay]){
//add non-displayed cell indexes
[indexesForSection addIndex:rowIndex];
//adding each array of section indexes, EVEN if it is empty (no indexes to delete)
[indexesToRemove addObject:indexesForSection];
//Now we remove cell controllers in newTableGroups and cells from the table
//Also, each subarray of newTableGroups is mutable as well
if([indexesToRemove count]>0){
int sectionIndex = 0;
for(NSMutableIndexSet *eachSectionIndexes in indexesToRemove){
//Now you know why we stuck the indexes into individual arrays, easy array method
[[newTableGroups objectAtIndex:sectionIndex] removeObjectsAtIndexes:eachSectionIndexes];
//tracking which cell indexPaths to remove for each section
NSMutableArray *indexPathsToRemove = [NSMutableArray array];
int numberOfIndexes = [eachSectionIndexes count];
//create array of indexPaths to remove
NSUInteger index = [eachSectionIndexes firstIndex];
for(int i = 0; i< numberOfIndexes; i++){
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:index inSection:sectionIndex];
[indexPathsToRemove addObject:indexPath];
index = [eachSectionIndexes indexGreaterThanIndex:index];
//delete the rows for this section
[self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:indexPathsToRemove withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationTop];
//next section please
//now we figure out if we need to remove any sections
NSMutableIndexSet *sectionsToRemove = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
[sectionsToRemove removeAllIndexes];
int sectionsIndex = 0;
for(NSArray *eachSection in newTableGroups){
//checking for empty sections
if([eachSection count]==0)
[sectionsToRemove addIndex:sectionsIndex];
//updating the table groups
[newTableGroups removeObjectsAtIndexes:sectionsToRemove];
//removing the empty sections
[self.tableView deleteSections:sectionsToRemove withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationTop];
//updating filteredTableGroups to the newTableGroups we just created
self.filteredTableGroups = newTableGroups;
//pointing tableGroups at the filteredGroups
tableGroups = filteredTableGroups;
//invokes the animation
[self.tableView endUpdates];
//Checking for the usual suspects. all which may through an exception
if([tableGroups count]==0)
//lets make a new array to work with
NSMutableArray *newTableGroups = [[allTableGroups mutableCopy] autorelease];
//telling the table what we are about to do
[self.tableView beginUpdates];
//array to track cells for deletion animation
NSMutableArray *indexesToRemove = [NSMutableArray array];
//loop through each section
for(NSMutableArray *eachSection in tableGroups){
//keeping track of the indexes to delete for each section
NSMutableIndexSet *indexesForSection = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
[indexesForSection removeAllIndexes];
//increment though cell indexes
int rowIndex = 0;
//loop through each cellController in the section
for(ScheduleCellController *eachCellController in eachSection){
//Ah ha! A little magic. the cell controller must know if it should be displayed.
//This you must calculate in your business logic
if(![eachCellController shouldDisplay]){
//add non-displayed cell indexes
[indexesForSection addIndex:rowIndex];
//adding each array of section indexes, EVEN if it is empty (no indexes to delete)
[indexesToRemove addObject:indexesForSection];
//Now we remove cell controllers in newTableGroups and cells from the table
//Also, each subarray of newTableGroups is mutable as well
if([indexesToRemove count]>0){
int sectionIndex = 0;
for(NSMutableIndexSet *eachSectionIndexes in indexesToRemove){
//Now you know why we stuck the indexes into individual arrays, easy array method
[[newTableGroups objectAtIndex:sectionIndex] removeObjectsAtIndexes:eachSectionIndexes];
//tracking which cell indexPaths to remove for each section
NSMutableArray *indexPathsToRemove = [NSMutableArray array];
int numberOfIndexes = [eachSectionIndexes count];
//create array of indexPaths to remove
NSUInteger index = [eachSectionIndexes firstIndex];
for(int i = 0; i< numberOfIndexes; i++){
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:index inSection:sectionIndex];
[indexPathsToRemove addObject:indexPath];
index = [eachSectionIndexes indexGreaterThanIndex:index];
//delete the rows for this section
[self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:indexPathsToRemove withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationTop];
//next section please
//now we figure out if we need to remove any sections
NSMutableIndexSet *sectionsToRemove = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
[sectionsToRemove removeAllIndexes];
int sectionsIndex = 0;
for(NSArray *eachSection in newTableGroups){
//checking for empty sections
if([eachSection count]==0)
[sectionsToRemove addIndex:sectionsIndex];
//updating the table groups
[newTableGroups removeObjectsAtIndexes:sectionsToRemove];
//removing the empty sections
[self.tableView deleteSections:sectionsToRemove withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationTop];
//updating filteredTableGroups to the newTableGroups we just created
self.filteredTableGroups = newTableGroups;
//pointing tableGroups at the filteredGroups
tableGroups = filteredTableGroups;
//invokes the animation
[self.tableView endUpdates];