NSIndexPath getIndexes
- (void)getIndexes:(NSUInteger *)indexes
Parameters of [NSIndexPath getIndexes]
Pointer to a C array of objects of size at least the length of the index path. On return, the index path’s indexes.
Discussion of [NSIndexPath getIndexes]
It is the developer’s responsibility to allocate the memory for the C array.
NSIndexPath getIndexes example.
You have to allocate the NSUInteger array of size [indexPath length] and pass it as argument. The return value will be written there. You have to release that array yourself or do nothing it was created on stack like this:
NSUInteger array[[indexPath length]];
[indexPath getIndexes: array];
NSUInteger array[[indexPath length]];
[indexPath getIndexes: array];
Example of [NSIndexPath getIndexes].
NSIndexPath *someIndexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndexes:newIndexes
NSUInteger newIndexes2[[someIndexPath length]];
[someIndexPath getIndexes:newIndexes2];
NSUInteger len2 = sizeof(newIndexes2)/sizeof(NSUInteger);
NSIndexPath *baseIndexPath2 = [NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndexes:newIndexes2
NSUInteger ii;
NSInteger start = [someIndexPath indexAtPosition:[someIndexPath length] -1];
for (ii=start; ii<10; ii++) {
NSIndexPath *newIndexPath2 = [baseIndexPath2 indexPathByAddingIndex:ii];
NSLog(@"newIndexPath2 = %@", newIndexPath2);
NSUInteger newIndexes2[[someIndexPath length]];
[someIndexPath getIndexes:newIndexes2];
NSUInteger len2 = sizeof(newIndexes2)/sizeof(NSUInteger);
NSIndexPath *baseIndexPath2 = [NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndexes:newIndexes2
NSUInteger ii;
NSInteger start = [someIndexPath indexAtPosition:[someIndexPath length] -1];
for (ii=start; ii<10; ii++) {
NSIndexPath *newIndexPath2 = [baseIndexPath2 indexPathByAddingIndex:ii];
NSLog(@"newIndexPath2 = %@", newIndexPath2);