Wednesday, May 11, 2011

binary search tree c/c++

Following example code is an implementation of binary search tree in C++ language.
Binary search tree is a data structure that shows log(n) search time.

// tree node.
typedef struct _tree
     int data;
     struct _tree *left, *right;

// Search function.
tree *search(tree *root, int key)
     while(root != NULL)
          if( key == root->key ) return root;
          else if( key < root->key) root=root->left;
          else root=root->right;
     return NULL;

// Insert function.
void insert_tree(tree **root, int key)
     tree p, t;                              //p for parent, t for temp node
     tree n;                                 //n for new node


          if(key==t->key) return;    
          if(key < t->key)             


          if(key < p->key)            
     }else *root=n;                