Another example of NSMutableDictionary object manipulation with NSEnumerator interface. The object is created and initialized by three key-value pairs, then keyEnumerator method is called to create NSEnumerator object for the NSMutableDictionary object.
NSMutableDictionary *myDictionary = [[ NSMutableDictionary alloc]
[ myDictionary setObject:@"Keith" forKey:@"name"];
[ myDictionary setObject:@"hacker" forKey:@"subject"];
[ myDictionary setObject:@"4/9/2002" forKey:@"date"];
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [ myDictionary keyEnumerator];
NSString *key;
while (key = [ enumerator nextObject]) {
printf("%s\n", [[ myDictionary objectForKey:key] UTF8String]);