Wednesday, May 1, 2013

NSURL resourceValuesForKeys example ios

resourceValuesForKeys :error:

Returns the resource values for the properties identified by specified array of keys.
- (NSDictionary *)resourceValuesForKeys:(NSArray *)keys error:(NSError **)error
Parameters of [NSURL resourceValuesForKeys]
An array of names of URL resource properties.
The error that occurred in the case that one or more resource values cannot be retrieved.
Return Value
A dictionary of resource values indexed by key.
Discussion of [NSURL resourceValuesForKeys]
If an error occurs, this method returns nil.
A key is left out of the returned dictionary if its corresponding resource value is not defined for the URL.
Example of [NSURL resourceValuesForKeys]
[cacheContents sortUsingComparator:^ (NSURL *a, NSURL *b) {
    // get the two dates
    id da = [[a resourceValuesForKeys:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSURLCreationDateKey] error:nil] objectForKey:NSURLCreationDateKey];
    id db = [[b resourceValuesForKeys:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSURLCreationDateKey] error:nil] objectForKey:NSURLCreationDateKey];

    // compare them
    return [da compare:db];
Example of [NSURL resourceValuesForKeys]
So... assuming destination is an NSURL pointing to an item in your ubiquity container:
NSError *error;
NSArray *keys = [NSArray arrayWithObject:NSURLUbiquitousItemIsUploadingKey];
NSDictionary *values = [destination resourceValuesForKeys:keys error:&error];
if (values == nil)
    NSLog(@"error: %@", error);
else if ([[values objectForKey:NSURLUbiquitousItemIsUploadingKey] boolValue])
    NSLog(@"not uploading");