[NSString initWithBytesNoCopy length encoding freeWhenDone]
Returns an initialized
object that contains a given number of bytes from a given buffer of bytes interpreted in a given encoding, and optionally frees the buffer.
- (id)initWithBytesNoCopy:(void *)bytes length:(NSUInteger)length encoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding freeWhenDone:(BOOL)flag
Parameters of [NSString initWithBytesNoCopy length encoding freeWhenDone]
- bytes
- A buffer of bytes interpreted in the encoding specified by encoding.
- length
- The number of bytes to use from bytes.
- encoding
- The character encoding of bytes.
- flag
- If
, the receiver frees the memory when it no longer needs the data; ifNO
it won’t.
Return Value of [NSString initWithBytesNoCopy length encoding freeWhenDone]
An initialized
object containing length bytes from bytes interpreted using the encoding encoding. The returned object may be different from the original receiver.Special Considerations of [NSString initWithBytesNoCopy length encoding freeWhenDone]
If an error occurs during the creation of the string, then bytes is not freed even if flag is
. In this case, the caller is responsible for freeing the buffer. This allows the caller to continue trying to create a string with the buffer, without having the buffer deallocated.
Example of [NSString initWithBytesNoCopy length encoding freeWhenDone]
NSString *veryLargeString = ...;
NSUInteger startingIndex = ...;
NSData *veryLargeStringData = [veryLargeString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
const void *bytes = [veryLargeStringData bytes];
const void *subBytes = bytes + startingIndex;
NSUInteger subLength = [veryLargeStringData length] - startingIndex;
NSString *substring = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:subBytes length:subLength encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding freeWhenDone:NO];
Example of [NSString initWithBytesNoCopy length encoding freeWhenDone]
char* block = malloc(200);
NSString* string = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:length:encoding:freeWhenDone];
//use string
memset(block, 0, 200);// overwrite block with 0
[string release];
Example of [NSString initWithBytesNoCopy length encoding freeWhenDone]
- (NSString *)base64Encoding;
if ([self length] == 0)
return @"";
char *characters = malloc((([self length] + 2) / 3) * 4);
if (characters == NULL)
return nil;
NSUInteger length = 0;
NSUInteger i = 0;
while (i < [self length])
char buffer[3] = {0,0,0};
short bufferLength = 0;
while (bufferLength < 3 && i < [self length])
buffer[bufferLength++] = ((char *)[self bytes])[i++];
// Encode the bytes in the buffer to four characters, including padding "=" characters if necessary.
characters[length++] = encodingTable[(buffer[0] & 0xFC) >> 2];
characters[length++] = encodingTable[((buffer[0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((buffer[1] & 0xF0) >> 4)];
if (bufferLength > 1)
characters[length++] = encodingTable[((buffer[1] & 0x0F) << 2) | ((buffer[2] & 0xC0) >> 6)];
else characters[length++] = '=';
if (bufferLength > 2)
characters[length++] = encodingTable[buffer[2] & 0x3F];
else characters[length++] = '=';
return [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:characters length:length encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding freeWhenDone:YES] autorelease];