Monday, April 29, 2013

NSBundle privateFrameworksPath example ios


Returns the full pathname of the receiver's subdirectory containing private frameworks.
- (NSString *)privateFrameworksPath
Return Value
The full pathname of the receiver's subdirectory containing private frameworks.
Discussion of [NSBundle privateFrameworksPath]
This method returns the appropriate path for modern application and framework bundles. This method may not return a path for non-standard bundle formats or for some older bundle formats.
Example of [NSBundle privateFrameworksPath]
-(void) runScript:(NSString*)scriptName
    NSTask *task;
    task = [[NSTask alloc] init];
    [task setLaunchPath: @"/bin/sh"];

    NSArray *arguments;
    NSString* newpath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@",[[NSBundle mainBundle] privateFrameworksPath], scriptName];
    NSLog(@"shell script path: %@",newpath);
    arguments = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:newpath, nil];
    [task setArguments: arguments];

    NSPipe *pipe;
    pipe = [NSPipe pipe];
    [task setStandardOutput: pipe];

    NSFileHandle *file;
    file = [pipe fileHandleForReading];

    [task launch];

    NSData *data;
    data = [file readDataToEndOfFile];

    NSString *string;
    string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: data encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    NSLog (@"script returned:\n%@", string);    